Thursday, December 8, 2011

FEMA "Think Tank" and the USNG

Folks, if you aren't familiar with it FEMA has a website called "The FEMA Think Tank" which they describe this way:

"FEMA wants to hear your ideas and suggestions on how to improve the emergency management system at all levels. We recognize that the best solutions to the challenges we all face are generated by the people and the communities who are closest to these challenges. That is why we are asking for input on a variety of emergency management issues, such as how as we prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate against all types of disasters".

On this site individuals can post ideas, and then they are voted on by the EM community. A recent idea has been posted imploring FEMA to make the use of the USNG a priority for themselves and the general emergency response community in planning, training and response.

Please use the "Think Tank" link below to go to the site and vote "yes" to support getting FEMA to move on this long overdue initiative. Thanks!

The link: